Search result for 'c01'

We have found 12 results

June 2025


Title: Cement

Dates: Wednesday June 25, 2025 - Thursday June 26, 2025

Location: Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, 123 Queen St W, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Event Name: June 2025 Committee Week

December 2025

Symposium & Workshop

Title: Workshop on Low-Carbon Concrete: Industry Trends and their Impact on ASTM Cement and Concrete Standards

Dates: Sunday December 07, 2025

Location: Hilton Atlanta, 255 Courtland St NE, Atlanta, Georgia

Event Name: Workshop on Low-Carbon Concrete: Industry Trends and their Impact on ASTM Cement and Concrete Standards

In Conjunction with: December 2025 Committee Week

Arranged By: ASTM Committee C01 on Cement and Committee C09 on Concrete and Concrete Aggregates

Symposium & Workshop

Title: Workshop on Low-Carbon Concrete: Industry Trends and their Impact on ASTM Cement and Concrete Standards

Dates: Sunday December 07, 2025

Location: Hilton Atlanta, 255 Courtland St NE, Atlanta, Georgia

Event Name: Workshop on Low-Carbon Concrete: Industry Trends and their Impact on ASTM Cement and Concrete Standards

In Conjunction with: December 2025 Committee Week

Arranged By: ASTM Committee C01 on Cement and Committee C09 on Concrete and Concrete Aggregates


Title: Cement

Dates: Wednesday December 10, 2025 - Thursday December 11, 2025

Location: Hilton Atlanta, 255 Courtland St NE, Atlanta, Georgia

Event Name: December 2025 Committee Week

June 2026

Symposium & Workshop

Title: 2026 Masonry Symposium: Advancing Masonry Technology and Tradecraft

Dates: Tuesday June 02, 2026

Location: Hyatt Regency Dallas, 300 Reunion Blvd E, Dallas, Texas

Event Name: 2026 Masonry Symposium: Advancing Masonry Technology and Tradecraft

In Conjunction with: June 2026 Committee Week

Arranged By: ASTM Committees C01 on Cement, C07 on Lime and Limestone, and C15 on Masonry - Manufactured Masonry Units, Mortars and Grouts

Symposium & Workshop

Title: 2026 Masonry Symposium: Advancing Masonry Technology and Tradecraft

Dates: Tuesday June 02, 2026

Location: Hyatt Regency Dallas, 300 Reunion Blvd E, Dallas, Texas

Event Name: 2026 Masonry Symposium: Advancing Masonry Technology and Tradecraft

In Conjunction with: June 2026 Committee Week

Arranged By: ASTM Committees C01 on Cement, C07 on Lime and Limestone, and C15 on Masonry - Manufactured Masonry Units, Mortars and Grouts

Symposium & Workshop

Title: 2026 Masonry Symposium: Advancing Masonry Technology and Tradecraft

Dates: Tuesday June 02, 2026

Location: Hyatt Regency Dallas, 300 Reunion Blvd E, Dallas, Texas

Event Name: 2026 Masonry Symposium: Advancing Masonry Technology and Tradecraft

In Conjunction with: June 2026 Committee Week

Arranged By: ASTM Committees C01 on Cement, C07 on Lime and Limestone, and C15 on Masonry - Manufactured Masonry Units, Mortars and Grouts


Title: Cement

Dates: Wednesday June 03, 2026 - Thursday June 04, 2026

Location: Hyatt Regency Dallas, 300 Reunion Blvd E, Dallas, Texas

Event Name: June 2026 Committee Week

December 2026


Title: Cement

Dates: Wednesday December 09, 2026 - Thursday December 10, 2026

Location: Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront, 225 East Coastline Drive, Jacksonville, Florida

Event Name: December 2026 Committee Week

June 2027


Title: Cement

Dates: Wednesday June 09, 2027 - Thursday June 10, 2027

Location: Hyatt Regency O'Hare, 9300 Bryn Mawr Ave, Rosemont, Illinois

Event Name: June 2027 Committee Week

December 2027


Title: Cement

Dates: Wednesday December 08, 2027 - Thursday December 09, 2027

Location: Sheraton New Orleans Hotel, 500 Canal St, New Orleans, Louisiana

Event Name: December 2027 Committee Week

December 2028


Title: Cement

Dates: Wednesday December 06, 2028 - Thursday December 07, 2028

Location: Renaissance Orlando at Seaworld, 6677 Sea Harbor Dr, Orlando, United States of America

Event Name: December 2028 Committee Week